Inclusion and Leadership

Inclusion and Leadership

By: Brindavan
Inclusion and Leadership

By Ms. Veena Venkatramu

Senior Mentor and Faculty – Brindavan Education Trust

What does being Inclusive really mean ?

Inclusion simply means no person, a part of a group of people or a group of people are excluded. Being inclusive is to act based on the belief that everyone has inalienable rights – for example, to express themselves without being penalized. Be respected and appreciated as valuable members of their community.

To actually put this into practice, each of us needs to look deep into ourselves. What is our attitude towards others, our mindset to new ideas, the different ways of thinking and doing? Are we rigid or can we be flexible? Are we aware of the subtle biases and prejudices we harbor? Do we use inclusive language – words may have negative historical roots that may hurt or offend others? Do we use language that labels and classifies people into stereotypes who cannot do certain things?

Looking around we see so many are excluded for varied reasons – poverty stops many from accessing opportunities and resources. People with different sexual preferences, of minority religions, ethnicity and other marginalized groups are discriminated against. Our buildings, our public spaces are hardly suitable for those with physical disability. Many a child with special educational needs finds no place to study and play along with peers .

To create a more inclusive world we need to become sensitive to the hurt and needs of all those excluded. Making policies, passing laws to stop such discrimination is essential but far from sufficient. As I see it ,inclusive leadership in all fields  will pave the way for a more inclusive society .

What is inclusive leadership?

A leader who is genuinely committed to inclusion. If the status quo discriminates against other people, they will question and challenge it .

They are aware of their own biases, try to moderate them by seeking out views and erspectives different from theirs. They have the strength to admit when they make mistakes and cknowledge that they don’t have all the answers. So, they  ask others for help, and in doing so, allow them to contribute.

They are not in competition with other people around them. Neither do they judge others based on stereotypes and biases. They are empathetic, more open and accepting of other people. They inspire  their colleagues to prevent exclusion in all forms. They are hardworking and work with their teams to reach excellence, all the time ensuring no one feels left out. Inclusive leaders are great collaborators. They don’t hog all the glory and instead empower others. They act as the rising tide that lifts all boats .

Wherever such enlightened, inclusive leadership exists we can see inclusion on the ground, being practiced in reality.

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